12 Days of Anime: Day 1 You

My favorite thing to happen in anime this year was meeting you. Words can’t really describe my feelings here but they’re all I have so they’ll have to do. I joined Twitter back in December of last year but it took until about mid-January for me to start actually gaining followers and having real conversations. Things quickly began to snowball when I joined a skype group made up of several individuals on Twitter and had conversations on there too. It’s been a blast.

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12 Days of Anime: Day 2 IN THE NAME OF THE MOON

There was no way I could have left this one out. Sailor Moon was such an important part of this year for me that I probably could have devoted my Twelve Days to just moments from the show. I started back in February and finished it in June, so it was the defining show for me during my last semester. There’s a whole lot for me to talk about here but I want to keep this semi-brief so I’ll do my best!

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12 Days of Anime: Day 3 LETS HEAR IT FOR THE BOY

There’s something so captivating about truly terrible things. Products that are not only bad but exceptionally bad. There’s a reason why films like The Room and Troll 2 are still talked about today, and there’s a reason why anime fans seek out things like Mars of Destruction or Garzey’s Wing. They’re tons of fun to watch, especially with a group. This year I had the pleasure, the honor, to see to see my favorite of Bad Anime. You might think I’m crazy for having this at number 3, but today I’m going to talk about Cipher.

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12 Days of Anime: Day 4 BACK TO MORIOH

Like I said a few days ago, I am a huge JoJo fan. Since finishing the recent Stardust Crusaders anime I’ve gone back and read the next three JoJo parts. This means that I haven’t finished Steel Ball Run yet and don’t know anything really about Jojolion. I think Vento Aureo is one of the weaker JoJo parts and while I do really love Stone Ocean, Diamond is Unbreakable is one of my favorite pieces of fiction ever.

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12 Days of Anime: Day 5 LETS GO TO AQUA

Aria the Animation was not a show I expected to like. I tend to like fiery and passionate anime, shows that have the characters screaming at each other while drenched in sweat. I like things blown way out of proportion. I’m not really one for the iyashikei genre, which are shows designed to “heal” and soothe you. If I want to relax I tend to go for something high energy like JoJo or Haikyuu. So the fact that I have recently become enamored with Aria says quite a lot!

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12 Days of Anime: Day 6 BOXING KANGAROO

I recently watched through all of Sailor Moon. While I’ll go into more detail on that at a later date (foreshadowing) I will bring up these details. Sailor Moon SuperS is reportedly the worst season of Sailor Moon. It’s the last season directed by Ikuhara. My only experience with Ikuhara prior was Mawaru Penguindrum, so I had not seen his critically acclaimed anime, Revolutionary Girl Utena. Sailor Moon SuperS is 37 episodes long. Revolutionary Girl Utena is 37 episodes long.

I had no choice, you see.

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12 Days of Anime: Day 8 I REMEMBER LOVE

I’ve been watching anime for over three years now. I started with Fullmetal Alchemist back in my Freshman year of college and since then things have snowballed. Dubs became subs and older anime became airing trash. I turned from mostly action and shonen to a super wide variety of things (mostly mahou shoujo lately) but my favorite change was watching things by myself to watching them as a group.

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12 Days of Anime: Day 9 YUREI BUSTERS

I love Aquarion EVOL. It’s one of my favorite shows of all time for reasons I find difficult to explain at times. When I heard about a new entry into the Aquarion series coming out I was a little excited. I didn’t get to watch EVOL while it aired so I thought I’d be in for a treat. Then I found out that they didn’t share any of the same staff. Then I got nervous. Then I saw the character designs.

Then I watched it.

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12 Days of Anime: Day 10 ZA WARUDO

Anime openings are rad. I know it. You know it. We all know it. There’s a reason why so many people constantly make lists of the Best Anime Op Of All Time or of that year or whatever. They set up the mood for that show and can even serve as a sort of icebreaker to get someone to watch it. They’re like little commercials for whatever it is you’re about to consume. Fun little music videos.

Y’know what anime has some of my favorite openings? JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.

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